Slack Marketplace
OneDrive App

Collaborate better with
OneDrive and SharePoint

Search, share and preview your OneDrive and SharePoint files right from Slack. Then automatically adjust permissions so the right team members have the right access.

Add to Slack
Preview docs, presentations and more

Preview docs, presentations, and more

Files you link to in Slack automatically display previews, so you and your team can easily see the contents of a doc before opening it.

Browse your files

Now you can find your latest files without ever leaving Slack. Click on the attachment icon to easily share what you’ve been working on with your team.

Browse your files

Share with the right people

Share with the right people

The OneDrive and SharePoint app checks when you share a file to make sure everyone in the conversation has access and automatically offers to update the link for you if they don’t.


How to setup
OneDrive and SharePoint


Step 1

Install OneDrive and SharePoint by clicking the
Add to Slack button

Add to Slack

Step 2

Follow the prompts to connect your OneDrive or SharePoint account.

Step 3

Share a file link in any channel to add a preview or update permissions.

Have feedback or questions? Contact us