Kiku is a Slack-integrated time off management solution that provides an easy-to-use platform for all time off requests. Kiku allows HR managers and supervisors to approve, decline, or discuss time off requests with just a click of a button — boosting efficiency and organizing all time off communication in one place.Kiku Features Include...
:small_orange_diamond: Multi-user views: Kiku provides multiple views, including Admin, Team Manager, Team Lead, and User View, each tailored to your work needs.
:small_orange_diamond: Time off requests — Employees can easily request time off and categorize requests under different time off types. Admins can quickly sort through a list of time off requests using filters, and approve, decline, or discuss each request from Kiku Home.
:small_orange_diamond: Kiku notifications — Kiku provides daily and weekly notifications to all team members about employees' upcoming and current time offs, birthdays, and even work anniversaries.
:small_orange_diamond: Automatically sets user status — Kiku automatically updates user’s Slack status when they are OOO due to scheduled time off.
:small_orange_diamond: Customizable holidays — Kiku has a large list of holidays organized by a country that can be added to a workspace. With Kiku Premium, admins can add custom company holidays that aren’t otherwise included as public holidays.
:small_orange_diamond: Birthdays and work anniversaries — Admins can input birthdays and work anniversary dates into user profiles, and Kiku will keep track of all upcoming celebrations.How Does Kiku Work?
Admin & Team Manager View
:small_orange_diamond: On the Kiku Home, click View As and select Admin View to review upcoming time off requests.
:small_orange_diamond: Admins can filter time off requests by status, user, type, and more by using the filter options provided under Upcoming Requests.
:small_orange_diamond: Admins and team managers can Approve, Decline, or Discuss listed time off requests under the Upcoming Requests section or by clicking on the My Requests button
:small_orange_diamond: Premium users can add custom holidays in Kiku. Click Holidays and Events and then Create Holiday, and customize the holiday by duration and date.
:small_orange_diamond: A list of working hours for members of a specific team can be viewed and edited from the Schedules button.
:small_orange_diamond: Admins can also view a list of Actions which include Create Announcement, Manage Teams, Manage Users, and for administrators, Manage Admins. User View
:small_orange_diamond: Time off requests created with the shortcut :zap:is the same as creating them on the Kiku Home.
:small_orange_diamond: To request time off, click New Request in the Kiku Home and fill in the type of request, duration, whether the request is for PTO, and any additional details.
:small_orange_diamond: To view all time off related information; click the My Requests button. Users can also filter the date for a specific time frame.
:small_orange_diamond: To view upcoming holidays, in the Kiku Home click Holidays & Events. Users can also view Schedules which provide a list of working hours for each member of a specific team to where the user belongs to.Kiku Slash Commands
:small_orange_diamond: Using the /timeoff command provides the user with a quick time off request form.
:small_orange_diamond: If users would like a quick view to see their time off history, they can use the /mysummary command.
:small_orange_diamond: If a user would like to see all upcoming birthdays, they can use the /birthdays command.
:small_orange_diamond: Sometimes remembering all holidays can be confusing, Kiku’s shortcut /holidays provides users to quickly view upcoming holidays so they do not come to work on their day off.
:small_orange_diamond: The /timeofflog command provides users with an overview of the time off they have already spent this year and how much time off they have left for the year.