Data retention policy
OnPage's Data Retention Policy is documented in our iso 27001:2013 ISMS handbook in sub-document, "7.5.3(f) Data Retention Policy".
The following is an excerpt that is relevant for customer data,
3.1.6. Client files
Hard copy client files are maintained by OnPage at corp headquarters in Waltham MA. They are securely stored in a locked cabinet and access to them is provided by the CEO on a need-to-know basis. Hard copy client files are retained permanently. Specific job files are retained for 3 years following the completion of the job they relate to. In addition to the hard copy files any details that are received electronically regarding the client and work requests are retained electronically in accordance with the details in 3.1.7.
The financial information that is relevant to the work completed is maintained within the financial files and managed by the OnPage Finance. This includes purchase orders and as with all financial documentation they are retained in hard copy for 6 years.
Data archiving and removal policy
Elements of Data Removal are also governed by "7.5.3(f) Data Retention Policy" as well as our associate security requirements which require due care when associates have in their possession company confidential (client data is considered company confidential) information. Only associates who have a "need to know" have access to confidential data.
To request data deletion, please contact us at
Data storage policy
Company confidential data is access controlled within OnPage systems and encrypted when there is the potential of exposure to external environments. Access is on a "need to know" basis.
Data center location(s)
United States
App/service has sub-processors