*If you're already a Hypercontext user,
continue setting up your Hypercontext Slack Bot here.--------------------------------------------------------------
The Hypercontext Slack bot helps managers, employees and teams create shared meeting agendas to have more productive one-on-one and team meetings. Every meeting has a shared goal, agenda, notes and follow-up.
Hypercontext is great for all types of teams: Remote, distributed and onsite!
Hypercontext features you’ll :heart::memo: Create and collaborate on shared agendas for one-on-one, team and other recurring meetings
:speech_balloon: Turn Slack messages into agenda items
:white_check_mark: Assign next steps during your meeting to keep your team productive and accountable
:email: Document discussions and next steps in Hypercontext. We’ll send out detailed meeting minutes when you’re done
:bar_chart: Powerful insights into the conversations you’re having with your team
:bell: Get daily digests on your meetings for the day, unread items, incomplete action items and more
Hypercontext Bot commands you can use::date: Set up one-on-one meetings: Type
meet with @mention
:busts_in_silhouette: Set up team meetings by typing
/invite @soapboxbot
in your team’s channel
:memo: Add agenda items to one-on-one meetings: Type ‘add to @mention [agenda item]’ to @soapboxbot
:memo: Add agenda items to team meetings: Go to your team meeting and type: ‘@soapbox bot [agenda item]’
• :eyes: View your meetings for the day by typing
show people
Not sure what to add to your meeting agenda? Our bot will make suggestions! Shuffle through suggested agenda items that prompt great conversations.
Powered by the
Hypercontext App.