Track app store reviews from iOS, Mac, Google Play, Windows Store & Amazon in Slack. Reply to app reviews from right within your Slack channel for happier customers & better ratings. All countries are included!
Join over 35% of top charting apps, who already use Appbot to manage their app reviews and improve their ratings!
Connecting Appbot to Slack allows you to: :ladybug: Identify bugs and complaints early, fix faster
:speaking_head_in_silhouette: Surface feature requests
:chart_with_downwards_trend: Pinpoint changes in user sentiment
:compass: Focus your roadmap on things users care about
:dash: Reply to reviews faster, inside Slack
How Appbot works in Slack: :heavy_check_mark: Set up takes only a few minutes
:heavy_check_mark: Choose which reviews to send to each Slack channel
:heavy_check_mark: Filter by country, language, star rating or topic
:heavy_check_mark: Reviews appear in Slack in real-time, as they are published on the app stores
:heavy_check_mark: Reply to reviews from right inside Slack (requires Large plan or higher)
:heavy_check_mark: Enable automatic translations to English to save time
Check out our video & set up guide for more details:
Appbot supports reviews from these stores: :heavy_check_mark: iOS App Store
:heavy_check_mark: Mac App Store
:heavy_check_mark: Google Play Store
:heavy_check_mark: Microsoft Store
:heavy_check_mark: Amazon app store
:heavy_check_mark: Amazon Marketplace Products
:heavy_check_mark: Alexa skills
Outside Slack, your Appbot account also gives you::heavy_check_mark: Advanced sentiment analysis of your app reviews to help you track how users feel about your app over time
:heavy_check_mark: Topics analysis tools to show you what themes are appearing in your reviews and help you to keep your roadmap relevant
:heavy_check_mark: Appbot is trusted by the world’s top app developers, and used by over 35% of top-charting apps
Simple pricing. The first two weeks are on us.For more information on pricing, please visit