Data retention policy
Esevel seeks to ensure that it retains only data necessary to effectively conduct its program activities and work in fulfilment of its mission.
The need to retain data varies widely with the type of data and the purpose for which it was collected. Esevel strives to ensure that data is only retained for the period necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected and is fully deleted when no longer required.
Data archiving and removal policy
When the retention period for the data expires, Esevel will actively destroy the data covered by this policy. If an individual believes that there exists a legitimate business reason why certain data should not be destroyed at the end of a retention period, he or she should identify this data to his/her supervisor and provide information as to why the data should not be destroyed
Data storage policy
Esevel's purpose for data storage is to ensure that all data and information – in electronic or hard-copy form – needed by in the performance of its work are stored in a secure repository when not in current use or when archived for future use, such that they are available when needed, are accessible and usable by Esevel staff, and are maintained in secure, protected environments until they are retrieved for use, archived or destroyed.
App/service has sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)