Lock and Manage Shared Resources
Lockit allows you to easily and efficiently manage your team’s resources. With lockit you can create shared resource, unlock/lock these resource, get updates when resource is released/locked on channel and set alerts when a resource is released.
What is a resource?
A resource is anything that can only be used by a limited set of people at a time. This could include servers, license keys, conference rooms, company cars, etc.
The Old Way:
Person 1: "Hey, is anyone using the staging server? I need it for a couple of hours."
(Person 1 goes away and starts using the staging server)
A few moments later...
Person 2: "Hey, who is using the staging server? I had a long-running task running since yesterday! All my progress is now lost."
With Lockit :
Person 1 : @Lockit lock staging
Person 2 : @Lockit lock staging
@Lockit : Resource staging is locked by @Person 1 till 2014/02/18 6:39 AM PST
- Avoid conflicts when using servers.
- Share license with teams.
- Reserve a conference room ahead
- Get Alerts when a resource get free
All Commands
@Lockit new: To create a new resource.
-- Example: @Lockit new environment
@Lockit list: Returns a list of resources. By default, 5 resources are returned.
-- Example: @Lockit list
@Lockit lock: Lock/Reserve a resource. The default time is 48 hours.
-- Example: @Lockit lock room 9
@Lockit release: Release/Unlock a resource you have reserved.
-- Example: @Lockit release room 9
@Lockit edit: Edit an already created resource.
-- Example: @Lockit edit room 9
@Lockit delete: Deletes a resource.
-- Example: @Lockit delete beta
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