Trusted by hundreds of thousands of companies, Tatsu is the
only all-in-one app you need to perfectly coordinate your teamwork and automate your workflows right inside Slack, without leaving your Slack session.
Tatsu all-in-one project management offers:
:white_check_mark: Task and Project management
:speech_balloon: Message scheduling
:busts_in_silhouette: Standup meetings
:bar_chart: Polls
:question: Surveys
:computer: Configurable templates (micro-apps)
You can now make your Slack conversations more actionable by running all these state-of-the-art apps in Slack instead of switching to external ones. Tatsu apps are the most advanced and user-friendly apps on Slack, showcasing the new app Home and using visual shortcuts.
With Tatsu, you can then create, customize and configure your own “micro-apps” based on tasks, polls, questions, messages to handle your team specific use cases, with no development required.
A list of action items is then generated for each Slack #channel, providing a powerful “summary” of what your team has discussed and what needs to be done, saving you from going through hundreds of unread messages.
The ultimate actionable guide to (remote) work to see what Tatsu can do for your company
What Tatsu can help you accomplish: • Manage entire projects inside Slack #channels
• Assign, schedule and complete tasks
• Use #channels as Kanban board to tack project progress
• Schedule and preview messages for later
• Automatically send recurring messages
• Run daily standup meetings to keep the team up-to-date
• Make decisions faster with polls
• Easily decide the best time for a meeting
• Turn Slack messages into actionable tasks
• Check the pulse of your team with surveys
• Find out where people work from
• Run team-building activities to get to know your team
• Review team workloads
• Recognize team members’ efforts
• Plan and review sprints with prospectives and retrospectives
• Set reminders
• Follow up on past-due items
• Get personalized daily agenda
• Enable best practices with recurring tasks, polls, surveys, messages
• Automate and customize your own team workflows with powerful micro-apps
How does Tatsu work?Visit Tatsu Home to launch all Tatsu apps and micro-apps.
Use shortcuts from the Slack message composer to create new action items.
By using Tatsu, you automatically create lists of action items for each #channel that contain:
• Tasks
• Reminders
• Standup meetings
• Surveys
• Polls
Each #channel list is shared with the members of that #channel to enable efficient collaboration and improve productivity.
Everyone in the team can assign, edit, comment, complete, add files, vote, answer, and more directly inside Slack.
Do you want to see everything from one place? Use Tatsu Home to access a sophisticated and intelligent dashboard summarizing all the action items for you and your team, across all #channels.
Why choosing Tatsu • Single Slack installation, multiple apps, one price
• Consistent user experience across apps
• Unified dashboard inside Slack
• Pre-built, yet customizable micro-apps and workflow automation
• Automatic user account provisioning based on Slack identity
• No external apps to switch to
• Single point of contact for support
:books: For detailed information on how to use Tatsu with your team,
read our guideTatsu replaces Trello, Asana, Pivotal Tracker, Jira, Wunderlist, Todoist, Workast, Polly, Standuply with an easy-to-use, fully-featured, native app for Slack.
Visit for more information and to contact us.