Data retention policy
We hold your data while your account is active. If an account has been inactive for an extended period, we may cancel it and stop storing data for it, as follows: For trial accounts: 60 days after a trial has expired without being upgraded For frozen accounts: 180 days after being frozen due to billing failures For free accounts: after 365 days of inactivity
Data archiving and removal policy
In our applications, we may give you the option to trash or delete content. Anything you trash in your product accounts while they are active will be kept in an accessible trash can for about 25 days (it varies a little by product) — on the other hand, if you delete something, it will be immediately unavailable. After that time, the trashed or deleted content cannot be accessed via the application and we are not able to retrieve it for you. The trashed content may remain on our active servers for another 30 days, and copies of the content may be held in backups of our application databases for up to another 30 days after that. Altogether, any content trashed or deleted in your product accounts should be purged from all of our systems and logs within 90 days. If you choose to cancel your account, your content will become immediately inaccessible and should be purged from our systems in full within 60 days. This applies both for cases when an account owner directly cancels and for auto-canceled accounts. Please refer to our Cancellation policy for more details: Data storage policy
Whenever your data are in transit between you and us, everything is encrypted, and sent using HTTPS. Within our firewalled private networks, data may be transferred unencrypted. Any files which you upload to us are stored and are encrypted at rest. Our application databases are generally not encrypted at rest — the information you add to the applications is active in our databases and subject to the same protection and monitoring as the rest of our systems. Our database backups are encrypted using GPG.
Data hosting details
Cloud hosted
Data hosting company
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors
App/service uses large language models (LLM)
LLM model(s) used
ChatGPT 3.5 turbo
LLM retention settings
Information is never persisted on any external AI provider.
LLM data tenancy policy
Information is never persisted on any external AI provider.
LLM data residency policy
Information is never persisted on any external AI provider.