@must-read transforms any important message into micro-task. So, no one will miss it.
Learn more hereIt is a bot that will help your team collect important messages, announcements and links, and track who have read it.
@must-read helps to control all significant information no matter how many channels you have and how big is your team. You can easily check who has read the message and who has not. No more “Did you read it guys?” questions needed.
Just a few @must-read use-cases:• Use it to send short important announcements for whole team or channel
• Use it when your message is too small to become a task/card/issue but too important to be forgotten/lost/ignored
• Bookmark important links for yourself or any member of your team
• Send links to important news, tasks, meetings or support tickets
• Use must-read messages as simple reminders
• When you got notifications from Trello, Asana, JIRA, Zendesk, etc. that need more attention, simply start a thread and mention @must-read
@must-read helps….• Distributed teams not to miss company announcements regardless of the time zone and to stay in touch
• Startup founders to involve the whole team in the key discussions
• Top managers, team leads and HR to be sure their messages reached each member of the team
• Those, who like sharing and bookmarking links, to do it right in Slack
• Teachers or community admins to send notifications and “Don’t forget” notes for the whole team or channel
@must-read is natural for Slack and you can easily adapt it for your needsFor more information:
Learn more here:question:
Contact developersNo more scrolling channels. Click on “Add to Slack” button and start building controllable must-read lists for your team!
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