FlowVella (
https://flowvella.com) is the best presentation app you maybe never heard of before.
FlowVella is the mobile first presentation app that gets better results with engaging, interactive presentations that is 2x better with Slack.
Take the Guess Work Out of Following Up
You’ll know instantly via Slack when your Flow is viewed. No more guessing about when the perfect time to follow up with your prospect is! *
Quickly Load and Share Your Flows
Use the /flow command plus your Flow’s string ID (the short alphanumeric code at the end of the URL), like /flow 3wuz and your Flow will load instantly. To figure out the ID, it’s the letter/number combination after the the /s/ in a FlowVella URL, ie,
flowvella.com/s/3wuz* PRO account needed for the Direct Track feature, but Slack users can try for free for 14 days when using the promo code ‘slacktrial’ -