or provide your email at onboarding to get feature updates. Betabot knows these phrases to communicate with you • You can request leaves at the office through Slack, just tell Betabot if you are taking leave or working from home. Send a direct message to Betabot if you are taking leave by saying, I am out of the office on Friday
, Leave request added on 2019-02-15 Are you sure want to add this leave? (yes/no)
• You can create a stand-up for teams in your workspace to know the status of their workload by adding questions. You have to select a Slack channel in order for Betabot to select participants and to post a stand-up report.Initiate a stand-up by asking Betabot to Create stand-up
and simply answer the questions followed. Enter a time that the stand-up needs to be scheduled when prompted. What time of the day do you want the stand-up to run? Only multiples of 15 minutes can be given ex- 1 pm, 1.15pm, 1.30pm, 1.45pm
What is the channel name that you want the stand-up to use to get members from?
Enter a list of questions one by one when prompted, Please add your questions to stand-up. Enter your first question or type 'no' to continue without adding questions.
Stand-up help
to view a list of the things you can do • to view the availability of workspace members and stand-up reports in an explicit way login to Betabot dashboard. To login type Login
or Sign In
in a direct message to Betabot. Then a Login button will be provided which will give you access to Betabot dashboard. • If you forget how to ask Betabot to create a stand-up, set availability or if you want to login to the Betabot dashboard just ask for help by typing the keyword, Help
Review the details to better understand this app’s security practices. To learn more about assessing apps for your workspace visit our Help Center.