DixiApp - The #1 daily scrum bot for Slack & the best way to conduct asynchronous daily standup meetings.:fire:
Hot Features:fire:
that make DixiApp the best asynchronous daily stand up meeting app on Slack: :heavy_check_mark: Create & run multiple standups.
:date: Schedule standups as per a participant’s timezone or use a common timezone for all.
:robot_face: Receive automated reports in real-time right on Slack.
:speech_balloon: Customizable standup questions.
:clock9: Modify the schedule or pause a standup on the fly.
:repeat: Sync in-house and remote teams with ease.
:+1: All features are completely
FREE to use.
Who is DixiApp Perfect For?:point_right: Any team that runs daily standup meetings
irrespective of size. Small (<10), medium (10-30), and large (>30) sized teams run successful daily scrum meetings on DixiApp.
:point_right: Teams looking to
fully automate their daily standups for maximum efficiency.
:point_right: Scrum Masters looking for a streamlined method of running daily scrum meetings with
in-house and virtual teams.
:point_right: Projects that involve
diverse teams located across the world.
Is it easy to use DixiApp? You bet! Check out the walk-through below.Need more information? Visit our website:
www.dixiapp.comor, Contact us at