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Solaris promotes creativity in this highly regulated industry with Slack

Slack is the tool we use to solve problems together

How IBM shifted into a higher gear of productivity by partnering with Slack

Personio is making onboarding smooth, motivating and fun with Slack

Wayfair image

Wayfair is right at home with Slack

Slack contributes to Jägermeister’s corporate goals

Idee per Viaggiare Soars into the Future with Slack, redefining Travel Experiences


How Slack helps Coles work four times faster, transforming the customer retail experience

How Macquarie’s Banking and Financial Services Group enhanced employee connectivity and accelerated delivery velocity

40% faster: How Slack speeds up Freecharge’s product release cycles

How Stripe accelerates work with automations in Slack, Sales Cloud and Slack Sales Elevate

MiQ supports and celebrates its employees with Slack integrations

Cars Commerce revs up its expansion efforts with Slack

How Inter modernizes its operations with Slack and AI

How Slack helps Saks dress its business for success

Amplifon X simplifies and accelerates its Digital Innovation Strategy with Slack

At Picnic, Slack satisfies need for efficiency, innovation and growth

How iFood used Slack to transform HR processes and supercharge team collaboration

Slack supports Canva’s incredible growth by increasing productivity while retaining culture

TomTom promotes simplicity in Slack to boost enterprise-wide productivity

How RBC Wealth Management is revolutionizing client engagement with Slack

Salling Group lays the foundation for a digital future with Slack

Modern Animal employees collaborate together

How Modern Animal revolutionized the vet experience with Slack

InboundCycle Streamlines and Optimizes Processes with Slack

Investing in teamwork pays off

  • 338%

    return on investment1

  • $2.1

    million in productivity savings1

  • 85%

    say that Slack has improved communication2

  • 47%

    feel more productive2

1 Weighted average. Based on 2,707 survey responses from weekly Slack users in the U.S., UK, Australia and Canada with a ± 2% margin of error at 95% CI (December 2021).
2 All values are reported in risk-adjusted, three-year present value. "The Total Economic Impact of Slack for Technical Teams," Forrester, 2020.