Plataforma de Slack


8 apps for Slack that keep remote work on track

Our favorite apps for staying in touch with colleagues and collectively moving work forward


5 new Workflow Builder templates for remote teams

Keep teams productive and connected with these templates for automating processes like daily standups, requests, approvals and more


Distance learning thrives in Slack

Use Slack to connect campuses and keep students engaged, anywhere and everywhere


Box and Slack: Building simple and secure collaboration for the enterprise

An update on our joint commitment to seamlessly connect content and conversations


3 new Workflow Builder tools to help you find your flow

Download form responses, schedule messages, and trigger workflows from external tools


Unlock more productivity with these 5 updated apps for Slack

Apps from Donut, Drift, Halp, Simple Poll and Zapier have seen home run upgrades, courtesy of their new home tab in Slack


Beyond chat: 10 smart ways to work in Slack

Save your team time—and make work more pleasant—by moving meetings, projects, announcements and more into channels


The new Amazon Chime Meetings App for Slack is here

Need to meet with your teammates? Chime in, right where you are


How SoFi transformed its cross-functional collaboration

Together, Atlassian and Slack keep teams aligned and informed