Plataforma do Slack


5 new apps to streamline communication

Connect with customers, monitor ad performance, and have more-productive meetings


7 new apps to make work more efficient

Stay on top of changes, streamline approvals, and squeeze more out of Slack with these integrations


Build a bot that does your chores

Slack created a virtual assistant to do the scutwork, so we don’t have to


Funnel customer feedback straight into Slack

Tips to make sure everyone in your company knows what customers love and where you can do a little better


Flex your company’s empathy muscles in Slack

Share feedback, ask questions, and remind everyone to be good to each other


Accurate, efficient customer service with ServiceNow and Slack

Collaborate on tickets, automate FAQs, and speed up resolution time with the updated integration


6 new apps for Slack to boost your team’s productivity

Track objectives, automate office management, and close deals faster with these integrations


Make your team more productive with Smartsheet and Slack

Automate approvals, increase project visibility, and keep everyone aligned


A better way to collaborate with Adobe Creative Cloud and Slack

Maintain creative flow with easier file sharing, rich image previews, and synced notifications