
How Slack is complying with the Digital Services Act


Supercharge your sales teams with the new Slack and Salesforce integration

Slack Sales Elevate can transform every step of your sales process by centralizing customer records, accounts, opportunities‌ and key metrics


No HR team? No problem.

How to set employees up for success no matter your company size


Level up your automation with 65 new connectors in Workflow Builder

Introducing new ways to connect partner apps to automate work across your tools with clicks not code


A guide to successful cross-functional collaboration

Learn how to break down silos in your company and improve cross-functional collaboration, no matter where your team is located.


The best document collaboration tools to drive productivity in 2024

Slack makes document collaboration easy with built-in features and app integrations.


Direct messaging: Make the most of every conversation

Mastering workplace communication through direct messaging


How to effectively measure and boost employee productivity

Tap into the power of measuring and boosting employee productivity with Slack.


Master the art of the meeting follow-up message

Adapt the old-school meeting follow-up to your modern-day intelligent productivity platform to maximize productivity, communication and teamwork.


The surprising connection between after-hours work and decreased productivity

Slack’s Workforce Index uncovers new findings on how to structure the workday to maximize employee productivity, well-being and satisfaction


How to run a successful hybrid meeting in 2024

Hybrid meetings are the future, accommodating in-person and remote workers. Learn how to make your next one engaging and productive.


Leading virtual meeting platforms to consider in 2023