The Slack Blog



Find and document your decisions in Slack

Why did your team start that project? Instead of searching aimlessly through email archives for answers, try logging team decisions in Slack


Perks vs. productivity: what employee experience is and isn’t

Employee retention starts with a workplace culture that’s focused less on free cupcakes than on connection and collaboration


Turn frequently asked questions into easily found answers

Tips for using public channels and search functions to find the answers you need, on demand, in Slack


Productivity is about purpose, not busyness

Jake Knapp, design-sprint inventor and co-author of “Make Time,” offers practical tips for staying focused on the big picture


Assign and complete: How to run a triage channel

Set up and manage your own system to prioritize inbound requests, right inside of Slack


Timeless advice for stocking up on time management tools

A guide to boosting your productivity and mastering the art of meetings with Slack’s VP of People, Robby Kwok


How to gently onboard new hires using Slack

What we've learned getting more than a thousand teammates up and running


Debate club: Conflict in the workplace can be constructive

For high performing teams, effective communication starts with embracing friction


Mile-high teamwork with Denver Startup Week and Slack

Channels and real-time collaboration are helping Denver’s premier innovation event climb to new heights


Momofuku’s David Chang on innovation, failure, and fatherhood

The culinary visionary gets serious about creation and leadership at Slack’s Frontiers conference


Tomo today, success tomorrow: The key to unlocking total employee motivation

Leadership advice from author and team performance expert Lindsay McGregor


Build a bot that does your chores

Slack created a virtual assistant to do the scutwork, so we don’t have to