
An easier way to use JIRA with Slack

Helping teams get more context and resolve issues in a jiffy

El equipo de Slack28 de marzo de 2017

When it comes to people working together to build great software, the right tools can make all the difference. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the fine folks behind JIRA — the software development app favored by thousands of agile product teams — to bring you the new JIRA Cloud app for Slack. Connecting our products simplifies the development process by enabling engineers, product managers, and QA teams to work together easily and ship great stuff.

With the new JIRA app, you can work through issues in Slack by subscribing to notifications on key matters and pulling in deeper contextual information when needed.

Some highlights:

A new JIRA bot puts relevant information at your fingertips

Say your team is working through a product sprint, and you want to know the status of a specific issue. Upon typing out a bug classification (“TIS-14” in the demo below), the new JIRA bot will post a message right in your conversation containing a basic summary of the issue. This saves your team the worky-work of copying and pasting links to a separate application, and instead gives your team more context on the issue in the place where you’re already talking about it.


Looking for something? JIRA bot can help

If you are working in Slack and need to look up a specific issue in JIRA, instead of having to jump out of your workflow, you can now ask the JIRA bot to find that information and send it directly to you.


Need something more? JIRA bot at your command

Deeper functionality is available via slash commands (/jira), enabling you to:

  1. Easily connect Slack to a JIRA Cloud instance using /jira connect <url-to-jira>
  2. Manage JIRA subscriptions from within Slack using /jira or /jira manage
  3. Lookup specific issues right from Slack with /jira <issue-key>

The existing JIRA integration, called JIRA server alerts, is one of the most popular apps for development teams using Slack. You can find JIRA server alerts and the new JIRA Cloud app in Slack’s App Directory.


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