Share your enthusiasm: lead a Slack Community chapter

We’re inviting motivated Slack developers, administrators and users to lead Slack Community chapters in their neck of the woods

Author: Lauren Johnson24th July 2019

Are you a Slack enthusiast? Maybe you’re proud of the chatbot that you built, the tutorial that you created for your team or how your weekly huddle meetings have become more streamlined since you moved them into Slack channels. If so, we appreciate you, and we’d love for you to share your knowledge as the leader of a Slack Community chapter.

We’re inviting motivated Slack developers, administrators and users to start, lead or join Slack Community chapters, wherever they’re located. These communities organise regular in-person and virtual meet-up-style gatherings to connect and collaborate with other local Slack enthusiasts. 

If this sounds like your cup of tea, then is your one-stop shop for joining, leading and growing your own local chapter. 

Who are Slack’s intrepid community leaders?

Slack’s Community chapter leaders are volunteers based all over the world. Currently, there are 87 groups across 39 countries, from the US to India to Estonia.

If you’re just getting started with Slack, don’t worry: leaders come to the Slack Community with all levels of experience and familiarity with the platform. We only require time and enthusiasm. 

Heather Negley, a senior project manager based in Fairfax, Virginia in the US, and leader of her local chapter, helped to build an app for Slack called Messenger Bottles. This tool offers employees a whimsical way to document tips, experiences and institutional knowledge to share with unknown future teammates. Teammates can ‘uncork’ messages in moments when they need some inspiration. 

‘I decided to become a community leader because I love all of the new development going on in the [Slack] ecosystem,’ says Negley. ‘I found myself spending more time in Slack at work. I [had] developed my own app for Slack as a side project and wanted to see what other people were building.’

What happens during Slack Community chapter meet-ups?

The community chapters are structured, organised spaces to share ideas, stretch those leadership muscles and have plain old fun. When you join, you’ll get access to the Slack workspace that we set up for you to connect with other members and organisers. 

‘As a community leader, I am in charge of organising meetings in my town,’ Negley says. ‘I think of topics that I think will be interesting to people, and our first meeting was a planning meeting where we talked about the types of topics that interested us. The community members are very important because the group is for them, and their vision shapes the way the chapter grows.’

Intrigued? Join – or start! – a Slack Community chapter

Visit to connect with a chapter in your area, or apply to start and lead a new community. 

You’ll just need to answer a brief questionnaire on the following:

  • Your experience with using Slack
  • What you hope to get out of the community
  • How you plan to use the platform 
  • Any prior experience that you might have with organising a meet-up or leading a community

After the application process, we’ll set you up with the resources that you need to successfully launch your community. 

‘Plenty of platforms have apps, but I like that Slack is community-based and centred around the way people communicate and interact,’ Negley says. 

We appreciate her, and every member of Slack’s vibrant communities. We want you to get involved too, and we’re here to support you each step of the way.

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