Manage apps on Enterprise Grid

Org owners, org admins and integrations admins can view and manage apps for their Enterprise Grid organisation from the Integrations section of the Admin dashboard.

What to expect

  • View and install certain apps at the org level and add them to workspaces.
  • Approve apps for workspace owners to install when they like.
  • Restrict apps so that they cannot be installed to workspaces on your org.

Note: Apps using the admin, Discovery or SCIM APIs can access the data that they need in an org once they’ve been installed at the org level. They don’t need to be explicitly added to any workspaces.

View apps in your org

Use the Integrations section of the admin dashboard to see apps across workspaces in your org. Select Installed apps to see org-level and workspace-level app installations, along with the following information:

Installed on If an app is installed to one workspace, you’ll see the workspace name. If an app has been installed to more than one workspace, you’ll see the total number of workspaces. Click on an app’s name to see a full list of workspaces that it’s been installed to, when it was installed and who installed it.

The source tells you where an app originated. Apps can be from the Slack Marketplace, Internal if built by someone in your organisation or Distributed if a developer hasn't submitted it to the Slack Marketplace for review.

Access level

An app’s access level tells you how it’s been installed. Apps are installed at either the Organisation or Workspace level.

App resolution

This tells you if an app is available to your org. Approved apps can be installed to any workspace and restricted apps can’t be. Apps with a Set by workspace policy can be approved or restricted by individual workspace owners.

Tip: To export a list of apps installed across your org from the admin dashboard, click on Export CSV in the top-left corner of the Installed apps section.

Install an app at the org level

Step 1: Choose and install an app

  1. From your desktop, click your organisation name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organisation settings.
  3. From the left sidebar, click  Integrations.
  4. Click Manage apps in the top right, then select Install an app.
  5. Search for and select the app that you’d like to install.
  6. Click on Continue. Depending on the app that you’re installing, you may be prompted to complete additional steps before proceeding.
  7. Click on Allow to grant the app access to your org.

Slackbot will send a direct message (DM) to all org owners and org admins, letting them know that the app has been installed. Once you’ve granted the app access to your org, you can return to the admin dashboard to add the app to workspaces.

Note: If you install an app at the org level that has already been added to workspaces, members of those workspaces can continue using it without interruption.

Step 2: Add an app to workspaces

  1. From the  Integrations section of the admin dashboard, click the Installed apps tab.
  2. Find the app that you’d like to add to workspaces.
  3. Click on the  three dots icon to the right of the app.
  4. Select Add to more workspaces.
  5. Tick the box next to any workspaces that you’d like to add the app to. To automatically add the app to any new workspaces created in your org, tick the box next to Default for future workspaces.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Tick the box next to I’m ready to add this app.
  8. Click on Add app.

Slackbot will send a DM to all org owners and org admins when the app has been added to the workspaces that you selected. Once an app has been added to workspaces, members can connect their accounts to use it.

Approve or restrict an app at the org level

Approve an app for your org

  1. From your desktop, click your organisation name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organisation settings.
  3. From the left sidebar, click  Integrations.
  4. Click on Manage apps in the top right, then select Approve an app.
  5. Search for and select the app that you’d like to approve.
  6. Review the app’s scopes, then click on Approve.

Tip: To undo this action, click Resolutions in the admin dashboard then view the Approved apps tab. Click the  three dots icon to the right of the app and select Unapprove app.

Restrict an app for your org

Restricting an app will not remove any existing installations of the app from workspaces in your org. A Workspace owner or app manager will need to remove the app from their workspace.

  1. From your desktop, click your organisation name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organisation settings.
  3. From the left sidebar, click  Integrations.
  4. Click on Manage apps in the top right, then select Restrict an app.
  5. Search for and select the app that you’d like to restrict.
  6. Click on Restrict

Tip: To undo this action, click Resolutions in the admin dashboard then view the Restricted apps tab. Click the  three dots icon to the right of the app and select Unrestrict app.

Manage app requests at the org level

If an app’s developer changes the scopes of an app after it was approved or restricted for your org, members may need to request the app again so that you can review the new scopes. App requests will be sent to org owners and org admins in a DM from Slackbot. To review requests, follow the steps below:

  1. When you receive a request, open your direct message with Slackbot.
  2. Review the request. Select Approve for organisation or Restrict for organisation. Choosing Restrict for organisation will prevent all members from installing the app.

An app review request in a message from Slackbot.

When a request is approved or denied, Slack will update the original request message so that all admins can see the status. If you decide to restrict an app’s new scopes, members can continue using the existing version of the app but cannot install or use the updated version.

Tip: Org owners and org admins can view and manage app upgrade requests from the Requests tab in the Integrations section of the admin dashboard, where you can also configure automations for app requests.

Remove or uninstall an app

There are two options for removing apps installed at the org level:

  • Remove the app from workspaces that no longer need to use it.
  • Uninstall the app from your org to remove it from all workspaces. 

Note: Apps that are not installed at the org level cannot be removed from workspaces or uninstalled from the admin dashboard. A workspace owner or app manager will need to remove the app.

Remove an app from a workspace

  1. From your desktop, click your organisation name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organisation settings.
  3. From the left sidebar, click  Integrations, then select Installed apps.
  4. Click on the  three dots icon to the right of the app that you’d like to remove.
  5. Select Remove from a workspace.
  6. Tick the boxes next to any workspaces that you’d like to remove the app from.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Tick the box next to I’m ready to remove this app, then click on Remove app.

Slackbot will send a DM to all org owners and org admins when the app has been removed from the workspaces that you selected.

Uninstall an app from your org

  1. From your desktop, click your organisation name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organisation settings.
  3. From the left sidebar, click  Integrations, then select Installed apps.
  4. Click on the  three dots icon to the right of the app that you’d like to uninstall.
  5. Select Uninstall from your org.
  6. Tick the box next to I want to uninstall this app from my org, then click on Uninstal.

Slackbot will send a DM to all org owners and org admins when the app has been uninstalled from your org.

Who can use this feature?
  • Org ownersorg admins and members with the integrations admin system role
  • Available on the Enterprise Grid subscription