Search across your applications with Slack enterprise search

Who can use this feature?
  • All members and guests 
  • Available on the Enterprise Grid plan with the Slack AI add-on

With enterprise search, you can quickly find information and get answers to questions from all of the apps your organization uses (like Google Drive, GitHub, and more), right in Slack.

Animated GIF showing enterprise search results including Slack AI search answers and files from Google Drive

Tip: Enterprise search runs on Slack AI. If you don’t have the add-on yet, you can purchase Slack AI or contact our Sales team.

How it works

Connect an account

To use enterprise search, you’ll need to connect your account to the data sources your admins have made available in your organization.

  1. From your desktop, click the   search field at the top of Slack.
  2. Type a search into the field and press Enter to open the search results page. You’ll see any available data sources in the left sidebar.
  3. Click the plus icon next to a data source, then click Connect.
  4. Follow the prompts to authorize your account.

Note: We currently support Google Drive and GitHub, and will be adding more data sources in the future. Stay tuned!

Start a search

  1. Click the   search field at the top of Slack.
  2. Enter a search query or ask a question (like “What’s the status of Project Acme?”).
  3. On the search results page, any Slack AI answers will appear at the top. To filter your results for content in Slack or another data source, select an option in the left sidebar.
  4. Click on a result to view the message or file.
  1. Tap the   search field at the top of Slack.
  2. Enter a search query or ask a question (like “What’s the status of Project Acme?”).
  3. Slack AI answers will appear at the top of your search results.

Tip: If Slack AI provides an unhelpful answer using information from another source, you can re-generate the answer. Click the   filters icon at the top of the answer and uncheck the box next to the source, then click Re-generate Answer

Disconnect an account

If you no longer want to view content from a specific data source in your Slack search results, you can disconnect your account.

  1. From your desktop, click the search field at the top of Slack.
  2. Type a search into the field and press Enter.
  3. Click Manage Apps below the list of data sources.
  4. Next to the data source you’d like to disconnect, click Manage.
  5. Click Disconnect.