Build a better workday with Workflow Builder
Get more done, faster. Transform everyday processes into automated workflows without writing a single line of code.
Power your automations with AI
Building automations has never been easier. Instantly create time-saving workflows by typing a command and letting Slack AI build out the steps for you. Or, bring AI right into your workflows as a step to summarize channels.
* Available with Slack AI
Learn more in our blogAutomate anything, from simple to complex
No technical skills? No problem. With Workflow Builder, anyone can build automated processes with drag-and-drop simplicity to allow your team to be more creative, precise and effective throughout the workday.

“Automation has really improved our team’s performance and productivity—people save countless hours by no longer doing manual tasks.”
Connect your favorite tools with just a click
Bring your suite of tools into Slack, then let Workflow Builder take care of the rest. Plug-and-play connectors keep work flowing across all your automations, all in one place. Less context switching. Greater focus.
increase in time saved due to automation1
of those who build Slack workflows are non-technical2
Easily introduce your team to automations
Send workflows in messages, embed them in canvases, bookmark them in a channel, and more! Workflow Builder seamlessly integrates into how you work in Slack, making it a breeze for the entire team to get on board.
Inspire your inner builder
Customize the flow of work
Take automation to greater heights with custom code in Slack’s API. Plug in connectors to translate actions in Slack to instant results in your favorite third-party tools.
Start building custom stepsFrequently asked questions
Workflow Builder is a paid feature included in the Slack Pro, Business+ and Enterprise subscriptions. To explore free and paid subscriptions, take a look at our pricing page.
Because Workflow Builder is so flexible, workflows can be created for a wide range of tasks. Many people create workflows for things like sharing info with new teammates, submitting time-off requests for approval, filing support tickets, asking for feedback from coworkers, facilitating Q&A sessions, and more! The possibilities are practically endless. Get inspired with these sample workflows.
Think of workflows as a series of actions and reactions. Every workflow in Slack starts with a trigger. Some triggers kick off a workflow automatically, such as at a scheduled date and time, while others kick off when someone takes an action, such as selecting it from the shortcuts menu.
When one of these actions is taken, the trigger automatically sets off workflow steps. These steps are how people interact with your workflow. You can add steps that send messages or customized forms, or use steps from connectors that link your workflow to other tools.
Ready to try it yourself? Open Workflow Builder to get started!
Yes! With connectors, you can create workflows that automatically send information to tools such as Jira, Salesforce and Google Sheets. Learn more about how to create a new workflow with connectors.