Allow an org domain with Enterprise mobility management

On the Enterprise Grid subscription, you have the option to only allow access to your org domain when members use your Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) app. This setting restricts members from accessing any workspaces outside of your organisation. To configure this, you’ll need to set a key value pair in AppConfig.

Note: You can only allow access to one org domain in your EMM app.

What members can expect

  • With this setting enabled, members using an EMM app can only sign in to the approved org. 
  • If members need to access workspaces outside their approved org, they can download the Slack app for iOS or Android.
  • If a member is signed in to any outside workspaces in their EMM app when an org owner or admin enables this setting, they will be signed out from their Android device within 24 hours or when they relaunch the app on iOS. 

Tip : Learn more about mobile security features and Enterprise mobility management .