Request a new workspace on Enterprise Grid

If you can't find the right workspace to join in your Enterprise Grid organization, you can submit a request to create a new one for an Org Owner or Admin to review. 

Submit a request

  1. On the left side of the desktop app, click the  plus icon below the list of workspace icons. If you're in several workspaces, you may need to scroll down to see it. 
  2. Click Find more [organization name] workspaces from the menu.
  3. Click Create a new workspace to submit a request.
  4. Add a workspace name and a message for your Org Owners and Admins.
  5. Click Send Request. Slack will notify you when the request has been reviewed.

Note: If your org has restricted the option to request a new workspace, find an Org Owner or Admin to ask for help.

The review process

When your request is reviewed, you'll receive an update from Slack. If you're a member of another workspace in the org, Slackbot will notify you. If you haven't joined any workspaces in the org yet, keep an eye out for an email.

What's next? If your request is approved, you'll become the owner of the new workspace. Go ahead, invite new members to join you!

Note: If your request didn't get approved, you may need to provide more information in your request. We recommend finding an Org Owner or Admin for help.

Who can use this feature?
  • All members (by default)
  • Available on the Enterprise Grid plan