Slack Connect: Manage channel invitation settings and permissions
Slack Connect: Manage channel invitation settings and permissions
Slack Connect allows members of your organisation to work with people from external organisations in the same channel. Keep reading to learn more about the types of invitations that your organisation can send and the permissions that they grant to external people working in your channels.
Invitation types and permissions
You can decide what type of invitation your members can send when they’d like to collaborate with external people in your organisation’s channels. There are two invitation types that you can manage: Permission only to post and Permission to post, invite and more. The invitation types determine what permissions external people will have in the channels that they’re invited to.
Note: Once the invitation has been accepted, anyone with permission to send Slack Connect invitations can adjust the existing permissions for the external people.
*Note: These changes will only apply to the workspace where they were made, and not for other organisations in the channel.
Manage invitation settings and permissions
Pro and Business+ subscriptions
Enterprise Grid subscription
Click your workspace name in the sidebar.
Hover over Tools & settings, then click Workspace settings.
Click the Permissions tab.
Next to Slack Connect Channels, click Expand.
Below Inviting people from outside [your organization], click the toggles off or on. If on, decide who from your organisation can send each invitation type.
Click on Save.
Manage who can send invitations
Click your organisation name in the sidebar.
Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organisation settings.
Click Slack Connect in the left sidebar, then select Settings.
Next to Channels, click Edit.
Click the toggles off or on for the invitation types. If on, decide who from your organisation can send each invitation type.
Click Save setting.
Manage who external people can invite to channels
Org owners and admins can manage who external people can invite to channels if your Slack Connect channel allows for Permission to post, invite and more.
Click your organisation name in the sidebar.
Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organisation settings.
Click Slack Connect in the left sidebar, then select Settings.
Next to External people can invite, click Edit.
Select who external people can send an invitation to.
Click on Save.
Who can use this feature?
Workspace owners (Pro and Business+) Org owners and org admins (Enterprise Grid)