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[quote quote="“Slack’s administration course gave me the know-how and confidence to begin running Slack at an enterprise level.”" source="Corey Smith" title="System Dev Engineer" company="Ring" cta_text="" cta_url="" image="" alt="" /]
[aside headline="Becoming a Slack Certified Admin shows employers you can:" description="" bullets="Tailor Slack's features, settings and policies to any organization|Implement and administer any Slack plan, including Enterprise Grid|Create processes that streamline admin requests and responsibilities|Help organizations use Slack to become more productive" /]
[quote quote="“I would absolutely recommend the course, because there’s no better place to learn from than the experts themselves.”" source="Brittany Dastmalchi" title="Project Manager" company="" cta_text="" cta_url="" image="" alt="" /]
[quote quote="“I found the program very valuable—to get a clear perspective of various use cases and how to handle them, to understand Slack best practices and get comprehensive guidance in tackling admin solutions and overall Slack configuration.”" source="Swarna Mani" title="Manager" company="Guidewire" cta_text="" cta_url="" image="" alt="" /]