Enable Enterprise Mobility Management for your org

Who can use this feature?
  • Org Owners and Org Admins
  • Available on the Enterprise Grid plan

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) — also known as Mobile Device Management — gives organizations control over how their company data is used and accessed on mobile devices.

Step 1: Choose an EMM provider

Connect with a Slack for EMM provider to learn more and set up your account. We work with several EMM providers like VMWare Workspace ONE UEM, MobileIron, and BlackBerry to verify our services are compatible.

Tip: Review the mobile device requirements and installation instructions for Slack for EMM.

Step 2: Turn on EMM

Contact Slack when you're ready to activate or change the mobile security settings for your organization. Below is the information we'll need from you to make these updates.

Choose who is affected

Only members using an approved device can access your organization's workspaces. Select one of the options below:

  • All members (excluding guests) will be required to update to the Slack for EMM app. Guests can sign in from any device.
  • All members (including guests) will be required to update to the Slack for EMM app and must use an approved device to access Slack.
  • All members and guests can use either the regular Slack app or the Slack for EMM app and sign in from any device.

Note: Members required to use the Slack for EMM app will have 12 hours to switch before they're signed out on mobile.

Step 3: Configure additional settings

To further protect your org's data, you can enable the following settings for managed mobile devices via key/value pairs in AppConfig:

Key Description Value
WhitelistedDomains Ensure that members can only access corporate workspaces in the Slack for EMM app. The first part of your workspace or org URL e.g. for acme.enterprise.slack.com, enter acme.enterprise
DisableCopy Prevent members from copying content on managed mobile devices. Yes or No
BrowserControl Require members to use a mandatory mobile browser to sign in and access links from your Enterprise Grid org.

Your required browser name:

Workspace One
Microsoft Edge
Blackberry Access

What members can expect

  • If required, they'll need to switch to the Slack for EMM app.
    Once installed, members can sign in using their single sign-on credentials.
  • If required, they can't access your org from an unmanaged device.
    If the Slack for EMM app is required, members using an unmanaged device will see a screen letting them know they'll need to use an approved device.