Locate your Slack URL or ID

Your Slack URL and ID are unique identifiers for your Slack workspace or Enterprise Grid organization and can be used to take a variety of actions in Slack. Read on to learn how to find your Slack URL and ID. 

Find your URL

Your Slack URL — also called your workspace or org URL — is your workspace or organization name followed by the slack.com domain (ex. acmeinc.slack.com). To find your URL when you're signed in to Slack, use the steps below.



  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in sidebar.
  2. Locate your workspace's Slack URL below the workspace name.
    Workspace name and URL in the main Slack menu
  1. Open the Slack app.
  2. From the  Home tab, swipe right to open the main menu. 
  3. Locate your workspace's Slack URL below the workspace name.

Tip: If your URL is cut off, you can view it on the workspace settings page.

Find your workspace or org ID

Workspace and org IDs can be used to approve workspaces for your network, manage desktop app configurations, and more. To find your workspace or org ID when you're signed in to Slack, use the steps below.

Free, Pro, and Business+ plans

Enterprise Grid plan

  1. From your desktop, open Slack in a web browser using your workspace URL (ex. acmeinc.slack.com).
  2. Once the page loads, the URL will be in the following format: https://app.slack.com/client/TXXXXXXX/CXXXXXXX.
  3. Your workspace ID is the string beginning with T.
  1. From your desktop, open Slack in a web browser using your org URL (ex. acmeinc.enterprise.slack.com).
  2. Once the page loads, the URL will be in the following format: https://app.slack.com/client/EXXXXXXX/CXXXXXXX.
  3. Your org ID is the string beginning with E.

Tip: You can also use the team.info API method to find your workspace or org ID.