Updates to message and file history on free workspaces

Over the years, we’ve changed our plans and features to maintain the quality of Slack for our customers. As our customer base has continued to grow, so has our mission to make Slack a tool for businesses doing their best work.

We will be reducing our data storage offering for the free version of Slack; starting August 26, 2024, we'll begin deleting messages and files more than one year old from free workspaces on a rolling basis


Changes for free workspaces

Slack will no longer keep messages and files for the lifetime of your free workspace. Starting August 26, 2024, Customer Data — such as messages and file history — older than one year may be deleted on a rolling basis from workspaces on the free plan, following the terms described in the Main Services Agreement and Trust and Compliance Documentation.

If you choose to remain on a free workspace, you’ll have full access to the past 90 days of message and file history, and the remaining 275 days will become available should you upgrade to a paid plan. If you decide to upgrade, we’ll store messages and files based on your chosen retention period, with an option to keep all history.



When will my message and file history be deleted?

We’ll begin deleting any messages and files in your workspace older than one year on August 26, 2024. Going forward, this workspace data will be deleted on a continuous basis once it’s more than a year old.

Can I avoid losing my message and file history?

Existing free workspaces that upgrade to a paid plan before August 26, 2024 won't be impacted.

My messages and files were deleted. Can they be recovered?

It will not be possible to restore messages and files once deletion occurs.

Can I export my workspace data?

Workspaces on the free version of Slack can export data. Visit Guide to Slack import and export tools for more details.  

Will there be any changes to the 90-day message and file history access?

No. Workspaces on the free version of Slack will continue to have full access to the past 90 days of message and file history. To access message and file history beyond the 90-day limit, you’ll need to upgrade your workspace.

Will there be any changes to message retention settings?

On the free version of Slack, you’ll have the option to choose whether messages and files are deleted after 90 days, or whether messages and files (including edits) are kept for a year. You will no longer have the option to keep messages or files for the lifetime of your workspace.

My workspace is part of the Slack for Nonprofits program. Will I be impacted?

The Slack for Nonprofits discount offers eligible workspaces a free or discounted upgrade to our Pro, Business+, or Enterprise Grid plans. As long as you remain on one of our paid plans, your message and file history won't be impacted.

I’m currently on a trial. What happens when my trial ends?

If you choose not to upgrade to a paid plan once your trial ends, the data in your workspace will be subject to our message and file deletion policy for free workspaces. If you upgrade your workspace when your trial ends, message and file history older than a year won't be impacted.

My workspace uses Slack Connect with partners on the Enterprise Grid plan. What will happen to those channels?

Nothing. All of these Slack Connect channels will continue to work normally, and any messages and files they contain will remain available. 

What plans and features does Slack offer?

Visit slack.com/pricing to learn more about our plans and compare available features.