Change your email address

The email address you use for Slack is where we’ll send password reset emails and other important communications — it's best to keep up to date.

Update your email address

  1. From your desktop, navigate to your Account settings by following this link:
  2. Next to Email Address, click Expand.
  3. Enter your password and new email address, then click Update Email
  4. Check the confirmation email in your new email inbox with the subject line Confirm your new email address.
  5. Open the email, then click Confirm your email address.
  6. The confirmation link will take you to your Account page in a browser. If you're prompted to sign-in to Slack, use your old email address to sign-in.
  7. Next to Email Address, click Expand to see your updated email address, then click Save
  1. Open your mobile web browser and go to
  2. By Email Address, tap expand.
  3. Enter your current password and new email address. Double-check that you've spelled the email address correctly.
  4. Tap Update Email.
  5. Check the confirmation email in your new email inbox with the subject line Confirm your new email address.
  6. Open the email and tap Confirm your email address.

    The confirmation link will take you to your Account page in a browser. From there, you’ll see your new, confirmed email address in the Email Address section to save it. If you're not signed in to Slack when you click Confirm your email address, use your old email address to sign in to save the change.

Note: If your Workspace Owner has enabled single sign-on, your ability to edit personal information, including email addresses, may be restricted.

Update your email on multiple workspaces

You can use the same email address to join or create multiple workspaces, but your account for each workspace is separate. To change your email address for another Slack workspace, sign in and repeat the same steps above.

Missing confirmation emails

We’ll send a confirmation email shortly after you update your email address. If you didn’t receive the email, try the following:

  • Check your spam or junk folder, and any filters in your inbox.
  • Open your email settings and check for typos in the email address. If the address is incorrect, you can change it by following the steps above.

Still having trouble? Contact us and tell us how we can help.

Tip: If your workspace allows, your email address may be visible in your profile. If so, other members can search for you with that email address.