Edit and manage your workflows

If you’ve built a workflow, or you’re a workflow manager, you can make changes to it.

Tip: Workflow creators can add workflow managers to grant other people access to edit workflows and manage permissions.

Edit a workflow

If you need to modify a workflow, you can edit it at any time. When you’ve finished editing, publish the changes to make them available to anyone who needs to use the workflow. Here’s what you can do:

  • Choose a new trigger
    If your workflow has never been published, you can choose a new trigger. To change the trigger of a published workflow, make a copy and pick a new trigger, then publish that new version.
  • Modify steps
    Add and remove steps, or change how they work.
  • Change workflow details
    Add a new name, description or custom image.
  • Update permissions
    Add and remove workflow managers, plus change who can use and copy the workflow.
  • Unpublish a workflow
    For larger changes, you might want to unpublish the workflow first. This will make it temporarily unavailable, allowing you to make bigger updates. Once the new and improved version is ready, simply republish the workflow.
  • Delete a workflow
    Permanently remove the workflow from Slack.

Note: To edit or manage a legacy workflow, click on your organisation name in the sidebar, hover over Tools & settings, then select Legacy workflow management.

Change or remove steps

  1. From your desktop, hover over   More in the sidebar, then click on
  2. Click on   Managed by you
  3. Click on the   pencil icon next to the workflow that you’d like to edit. 
  4. Click on the   pencil icon next to the step that you’d like to change. To remove a step, hover over the   pencil icon, then click on the   bin.
  5. Make your changes, then click on Save.
  6. Click Publish changes.

Tip: To reorder steps, you can drag and drop them to a new location.

Update workflow details

  1. From your desktop, hover over   More in the sidebar, then click on
  2. Click on   Managed by you
  3. Click on the   pencil icon next to the workflow that you’d like to edit. 
  4. Click the workflow name to edit the workflow details.
  5. Make your changes, then click on Save.

Change permissions

  1. From your desktop, hover over   More in the sidebar, then click on
  2. Click on   Managed by you
  3. Click on the   pencil icon next to the workflow that you’d like to edit.
  4. Click on the   three dots icon in the top right. 
  5. Select Settings, then click Edit next to Permissions
  6. Make your changes, then click on Save

Unpublish or delete a workflow

  1. From your desktop, hover over   More in the sidebar, then click on
  2. Click on   Managed by you
  3. Click on the   three dots icon next to the workflow that you’d like to unpublish or delete.
  4. Select Unpublish or Delete from the menu, then click on Unpublish or Confirm to confirm.

Note: If you unpublish or delete a live workflow, it will stop running for anyone that is currently using it. Deleting a workflow is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Who can use this feature?