Stacking blocks to represent building workflows

Automate everyday tasks inside and outside of Slack

In this session, you'll learn the basics of workflow automation, including ways to connect your other tools and services supported by Zapier

Dieses Webinar ist geeignet für:

  • Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler
  • Alle
  • Inhaberinnen/Inhaber und Administratorinnen/Administratoren
  • Slack-Botschafterinnen und -Botschafter
  • Slack-Benutzerinnen und -Benutzer

In just a few clicks, anyone can turn routine processes into automated workflows. Stay focused on your most important work while Slack handles the tedium of your day-to-day and keeps your other tools in sync.

In this session, you’ll learn the basics of workflow automation, including ways to connect your other tools and services supported by Zapier. We’ll share a few helpful examples and teach you how to build our most popular workflows, step-by-step. Plus we’ll leave tons of time for Q&A.

This is webinar is for intermediate users.  We suggest you watch our beginner level webinar, Save time and automate your work in Slack, before attending.

Rednerinnen und Redner:

Melissa GrecoSr. Product Marketing Manager, Slack
Robert LewisSenior Software Engineer, Zapier

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