Stairs on top of a ball

How to launch Slack at your organization

Join us for an interactive training to learn the critical steps for a successful Slack rollout

Dieses Webinar ist geeignet für:

  • Inhaberinnen/Inhaber und Administratorinnen/Administratoren

This webinar reveals our proven and endorsed approach for confidently launching Slack within your organization. Our Slack launch specialists will guide you through real-time activities for a smooth and effective rollout supporting remote, office or hybrid work.

In this session, we will explore five essential steps:

  1. Give everyone access to your workspace
  2. Tell your employees and help them get started
  3. Create channels for work and social engagement
  4. Work externally in Slack Connect channels
  5. Connect Slack to your other tools

Required actions:

Rednerinnen und Redner:

Jamie ZeithamelSenior Success Manager, Slack
Kyle LaVallieSuccess Guide, Slack

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