Different signs representing marketing

5 tips for marketers on getting started with Slack

Learn how marketers from Salesforce and Slack plan and execute campaigns from their digital HQ

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Marketing is always cross-functional—involving several stakeholders, sufficient planning and ample communication—but it doesn’t have to be complicated. For marketers to be successful, they must be connected to the people they work with, their tools and their data at any given time. In other words, marketers need a digital HQ. This is where Slack fits into the equation.

Slack can be a marketer’s best friend, but many marketers don’t know how it can help them streamline their processes. In this 20 minute webinar, you will learn about five essential Slack features that help marketers get their campaigns out the door faster. 

Intervenants :

Rena HenriSr. Product Marketing Manager, Slack
Clarisa RamirezSenior Editor, Slack

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