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Supercharge collaborative service with swarming

Learn how case swarming unites teams, promotes swift sharing of crucial information and enables more optimized customer service for all

Cette conférence en ligne s’adresse de préférence à :

  • Équipes d’assistance à la clientèle

When it comes to service and support, customers’ expectations have evolved significantly since the start of the 2020 pandemic. Now more than ever, delivering quality customer experiences is crucial for organizations that want to grow and maintain customer loyalty.

By shifting to a collaborative service model with case swarming, organizations can provide faster and better case resolutions for customers and partners, all while improving the agents’ day-to-day experience. Join Jim Roth, executive vice president of customer support at Salesforce, and Kevin Albers, vice president of customer experience at Slack, as they discuss how case swarming unites teams, promotes swift sharing of crucial information and enables more optimized customer service for all.

Intervenants :

Kevin AlbersVice President of Customer Experience, Slack
Jim RothExecutive Vice President, Customer Support, Salesforce
Felicity BlanceSolutions Marketing Director, Slack

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