
Unlock product led growth with Slack

Transform link sharing into a distribution channel, acquire new users, and engage existing ones in real time

Less than a decade ago, adopting new software was slow, locked behind expensive software licenses and decided upon by a select few. Now it’s easier than ever for end users to discover, evaluate and adopt new products before pulling out their wallets.

Power of Sign in with Slack links

Acquire new users and engage existing ones the moment they interact with your content in Slack. With Sign in with Slack Links, transform link sharing of your product into a distribution channel to help your company distribute and authenticate existing and new users into your products.

And this opens up a whole new opportunity for Slack to not only be a place to drive retention and stickiness, but to be a full-funnel growth engine for your product.




    Make it easy for prospects to sign up for your product directly from a link in Slack, powered by Slack’s trusted, verified identity data
    Reduce the time for existing accounts to sign in and access shared content giving one-click access to your product using Slack credentials
    Not only driving usage within customers, but expanding your footprint to new customers as orgs work with their external partners via Slack Connect


Partner Testimonials



“The added power of the Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite combined with Sign in
with Slack not only provides current users with seamless access to our enhanced collaboration technology, but also provides a way for us to easily and organically expose and engage new users.”

Nick Rico
Sr. Vice President of Growth & Go to Market Strategy & Operations, Lucid



“We’ve seen impact both quantitatively on the business front and qualitatively from user feedback. Sign in with Slack has driven tens of thousands of new sign-ups. We’re also hearing a lot of love from Loom creators, who can now close the feedback loop on who’s viewing a video.”

Janie Lee
Director, Product Management, Loom

Maximize Growth with Slack

Contact us to learn how Sign in with Slack links can help partners acquire and engage users the moment they interact with their content in Slack.

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