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Why Slack is the future of remote collaboration

Learn how to create a more connected, secure, and productive remote workplace.

It’s tempting to think of our new remote reality as an emergency situation, but the truth is the pandemic didn’t change the direction of work—it merely accelerated long term trends that were already in play.

And now that Pandora’s Box is open, good luck getting it shut again. Gartner found that a staggering 82% of company leaders will allow employees to work from home at least part-time, even after it’s safe to reopen offices. Slack’s survey of global knowledge workers found that 72% of workers want a hybrid remote-office model, which is in line with leaderships’ plans.

The key to adapting to our new reality is to untether work from a physical location. People need to be able to do their work as productively and securely from their spare bedroom as they do from a downtown skyscraper.

This shift to remote is about more than just replacing office norms with digital clones. It gives us all a chance to transform collaboration. We are collectively sharing a once-in-a-lifetime chance to redefine collaboration from something bound by time and location to something that can happen anywhere and everywhere.

Download our latest e-book and learn how Slack solves the remote collaboration problem with a single, scalable platform that lets you build a more connected, secure, and productive workforce.






