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Disruption of Work: Slack and Atlassian

Hear how Slack and Atlassian CEOs are navigating leadership

Dieses Webinar ist geeignet für:

  • Entscheidungsträgerinnen und -träger in Unternehmen

By now it’s no secret that the way we work will likely never return to pre-pandemic norms. But even though many of us are well established into remote-work life, the future of work can still appear hazy. 

During this virtual panel, Julie Walker, Slack’s head of marketing for Asia Pacific, asked Mike Cannon-Brookes, the co-founder and co-CEO of Atlassian, and our own co-founder and CEO Stewart Butterfield, what the “next normal” of work will look like.

Rednerinnen und Redner:

Stewart ButterfieldCEO & Co-founder, Slack
Mike Cannon-BrokesCEO & Co-founder, Altassian

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