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Building your Slack value business case

Discover how to measure and maximize Slack’s value to drive greater impact throughout your organization


Cette conférence en ligne s’adresse de préférence à :

  • Décisionnaires de l’entreprise
  • Propriétaires et administrateurs
  • Spécialistes Slack

Organizations are under increasing pressure to do more with less. This heightened focus on operational efficiency underscores the importance of measuring and maximizing the value of your tech investments. You know that Slack drives value for your organization, but quantifying and optimizing that value is tough.

Join our experts from our Value Realization and Customer Success teams to review tactical steps to help you further realize value and opportunities with Slack, starting with specific lines of business at your organization. We’ll introduce Slack’s value realization methodology to help you prepare an action plan to quantify current value, discover opportunities for optimization, establish value partnerships for collaboration, and scale this effort to other teams.

Intervenants :

Michelle FungPrincipal Program Manager, Value Realization, Slack
Christina StilianosSenior Success Manager, Slack

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