Ball leading into hoops representing migration

How to set up your Slack environment after Skype

Keep what you liked in Skype and benefit from features that you’ll love in Slack

With Skype for Business Online sunsetting in July 2021, it’s the perfect opportunity to update your preferred communication tool to a company-wide collaboration asset. By migrating from Skype to Slack, you’ll finally be able to connect tools, people and workflows in a single platform. With the wide spectrum of collaboration tools, you’ll get to keep what you liked in Skype and benefit from features that you’ll love in Slack.

Migrating to Microsoft Teams instead of Slack is more complex than it seems. Mapping use cases, managing data governance, and updating functionalities, voice and video endpoints will all be heavy on your existing resources, increasing migration costs. With Slack, you can keep costs under control while ensuring a company-wide transition from Skype.

Download this guide to learn how to migrate your whole company from Skype to Slack without overwhelming your IT department.

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