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Getting started with Slack for developer teams

Learn the basics and benefits of channel-based messaging and dev toolchain integrations for developers.

Este webinario es más adecuado para:

  • Business decision makers
  • Developers
  • Owners and admins
  • Slack champions
  • Slack users
  • Technology professionals
  • Users new to Slack

Slack is popular among developers for a reason: it makes their work simpler and more productive. They can choose whatever tools they like for deploys, testing, etc., and integrate them into Slack. This increases the value of their existing tech stack, and centralises team discussions.

Learn the basics and benefits of channel-based messaging and dev toolchain integrations for developers, whether you’re new to exploring Slack or advancing your skills!

Ponentes destacados:

Rohan KissunLead Solutions Engineer, Slack

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