
The ins and outs of working in Slack channels

9 blog posts to help you break into a new, more collaborative way of working

Par l’équipe Slack12 septembre 2019Illustration par Pete Ryan

When your team starts using Slack, your work moves into Slack channels. Each of these is a single place for a group to share messages, tools and files, and come together to make key decisions.

If you’re just warming up to channels, or looking for new ways to get more from them, dive into the curated collection of blog posts below.

Getting started: Tips for setting up your channels

Slack channels can be organized by team, project, office location, individual sales accounts or anything else relevant to you. Use the articles below as inspiration for how you might begin to create your own.

Level up: Productive ways to work in Slack channels

More channels in your Slack workspace doesn’t mean more work, particularly if you keep them on topic and organized. Here are a few lessons for bringing more types of work into Slack channels—and keeping conversation orderly as your channels grow.

Slack on Slack: How our teams use Slack channels

Not surprisingly, nearly all our work at Slack happens in Slack, and we’re always learning how to best set up a workspace for particular jobs or teams. The posts below highlight a few of our lessons learned.

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