
Slack: Now with more Salesforce, and vice versa

Introducing new integrations with Salesforce CRM

Par l’équipe Slack12 août 2020

Update (12/20/16): The Salesforce integration for Slack is now available! To use this integration, install or request Salesforce from our App Directory and log in with your Salesforce account. Once connected, you’ll be able to quickly find and share information from Salesforce without leaving Slack. Want to share messages between Slack and Chatter? You can do that too, by asking your Salesforce Admin to install the Slack app from AppExchange.

For a refresher on the things you can do when you use Slack and Salesforce together, read more below.

Slack and Salesforce — both big parts of many people’s working lives. And the better we work together, the more productive you can be. That’s why we’re officially partnering with Salesforce to deliver several new integrations over the next month (with many more to follow). Here’s what’s coming:


Search Salesforce from Slack

Using the /salesforce slash command you can search for an opportunity or contact in Slack. Your search will return three results, and when you click one, it will expand to provide you with basic account details right where you’re working.


review Salesforce information


Keep Chatter and Slack in sync

Use either the /chatter slash command or the /slack slash command to send updates from Slack into Chatter and vice versa.


send updates through SlackIn Slackposting in ChatterIn Salesforce


Connect Slack channels with Salesforce records

Assign a Slack channel to a Salesforce customer record and a new section on that record will display the unread message count for the connected channel. This way anyone working in Salesforce will be able to see when an account is being actively discussed in Slack.


Salesforce dashboard


Finally, as an added bonus, Salesforce URLs will now unfurl in Slack and include better formatting.

Salesforce opportunity


Got a question or need help? Feel free to send feedback or tweet us at @SlackHQ

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