To arms fist pumping each other representing resilient female leaders

Powerful women share on uplifting each other in times of uncertainty

We speak with women in leadership about the role that resilience plays in our professional and personal lives

    As we celebrate the achievements of women everywhere this month, today we are bringing together female leaders from around the world to share stories of success, lessons learned, and strategies to handle uncertainty in our lives and careers.

    In honor of Women’s History Month, we will hear from trailblazing women in information technology, marketing and human resources—and gain inspiration and guidance from their experiences navigating tough times and coming out stronger on the other side.

    Intervenants :

    Sheela SubramanianVice President, Future Forum, Slack
    Meghan GendelmanSVP, Corporate Marketing, Salesforce
    Saadia KhiljiHead of End User Technology and Services, MassMutual
    Necole Jackson-DeJoieGlobal Executive Director and Tribe Lead, Boston Consulting Group

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