Two flowers creating a smiley face representing humor

How we work with humor

How using humor in serious situations can fuel creativity, cultivate resilience and strengthen bonds

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We sat down with Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas authors of Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life for a conversation on how leaders can use humor to empower employees to bring a broader and more authentic range of their humanity to their work and to their team.

Jennifer and Naomi also teach the popular course Humor: Serious Business at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where they help some of the world’s most hard-driving, blazer-wearing business minds build levity into their organizations and lives.

Intervenants :

Naomi BagdonasAuthor, Lecturer, Executive Coach, Comedian
Jennifer AakerAuthor, Professor, Behavioral Psychologist
Sheela SubramanianVice President, Future Forum, Slack

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