A bell with a smile face and confetti representing customer service

Improve your service team’s productivity with automation

Learn how Slack can help your service team be more productive and grow customer loyalty

Cette conférence en ligne s’adresse de préférence à :

  • Équipes d’assistance à la clientèle

Looking for ways to increase your customer service productivity? Interested in how to cut your agents’ time in admin tasks? Curious how to quickly ramp up your new agents?

Learn how Slack for Service can help your agents be more productive, reduce time in repetitive tasks, and give more time to your agents to solve customers’ issues—and delight them with Slack tools such as workflows, clips and huddles.

Intervenants :

Laura MartinezSr. Solutions Marketing Manager, Slack
Andrew GillespieSenior Director, Customer Experience, Slack
Jen MosierDirector, Bid Operations, Ad Hoc LLC

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