
7 new apps to make work more efficient

Stay on top of changes, streamline approvals, and squeeze more out of Slack with these integrations

Criado pela equipe do Slack28 de setembro de 2018Ilustração de Josh Cochran

Being more efficient and productive at work is a constant struggle—one we’re trying to alleviate with Slack and the variety of business tools and services that connect with it. All of those integrations live in the Slack App Directory, which is growing by the week.

With so many new apps joining the directory, along with everything else happening at work, keeping up with the latest and greatest things you can do with Slack can be a challenge. So for those who haven’t been watching our Twitter feed like a hawk, here’s a quick tour of what’s new and notable—including apps from Smartsheet, faster approvals from ServiceNow, and more.

Keep everyone in the know with Smartsheet

Smartsheet’s new app includes all sorts of tools for users of its service. You can send notifications into channels and DMs when sheets, dashboards, and reports get updated or shared and send approvals to people in Slack that can be completed in just a click. Smartsheet’s Slack app ensures that you’ll never miss another notification when key changes are made.

Add Smartsheet to Slack

Share news and notes with Standuply’s suite of apps

While Standuply’s main app automates and coordinates daily standup meetings for teams, the bot’s suite of new tools offers a variety of specialized tasks in Slack:

  • Standuply’s Ping adds a new option to the actions menu that will remind you to follow up with someone at a future date.
  • Voice and Video apps let you create an audio or video recording that is saved as a private YouTube file and gets automatically shared into Slack.
  • The News app fetches top stories from a variety of technology news sites anytime you ask it to, so you can monitor the headlines without leaving Slack.

Add Standuply’s apps to Slack

Automate approvals and more with ServiceNow Actions and Now Virtual Agent

ServiceNow screenshot

Millions of people use the automation platform ServiceNow to streamline workflows, and its new Actions app lets you send notifications of requests or changes straight into Slack. And approval and rejection buttons let users move work forward with a single click.

Also new from ServiceNow is the Now Virtual Agent app, which can provide any number of custom responses to common employee questions. The result: valuable time savings for IT teams and 24/7 support for your coworkers.

Add ServiceNow Actions and Now Virtual Agent to Slack

See more Salesforce data with Woobot

Wootbot screenshot

Woobot is a bridge between Salesforce and Slack. You can search and view details on any leads, accounts, or contacts and create and update Salesforce records without ever leaving Slack. And with Wootbot’s new Smart Threads feature, discussions and details hashed out in Slack make their way back into Salesforce too.

Add Woobot to Slack

Stay up to date with Confluence Cloud

Confluence Cloud screenshot

The Confluence Cloud app lets you stay up to date on what’s happening in Atlassian Confluence, right inside your Slack channels. You can customize notifications to stay on top of changes across your spaces; see previews of pages, blogs, and comments when you share them with your team; and take action by replying to comments or liking pages in channels without ever leaving Slack.

Add Confluence Cloud to Slack

Mitigate incidents faster with Jira Ops beta

Jira screenshot

Jira Ops, a new Atlassian offering that’s now available for early access, helps automate and streamline incident responses, and because it integrates with Slack, your operations team can coordinate its work in channels without missing a beat. With one click, Jira Ops spins up a dedicated triage channel in Slack and automatically adds your response team. From there, stakeholders companywide can follow along through resolution in real time.

Get started with Jira Ops

Our App Directory is growing all the time. To see what else is new—and how the latest apps can help you be more productive at work—visit

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