
Nonprofits: Get paid Slack plans for free

As Covid-19 affects workforces across the globe, nonprofits can access free Standard and Plus upgrades for the next three months

Slack 團隊2020 年 3 月 20 日

Teams throughout the world are adapting to a new normal: working remotely. And with colleagues distributed far and wide, teamwork is more important than ever. That’s why we’ve made some changes to our Slack for Nonprofits program

Now nonprofit organizations of any size are eligible to receive three months of our Standard or Plus plan for their workspace, completely free of charge, by filling out this simple form. With a more powerful, secure version of Slack, you can connect your teams and improve everyone’s productivity. 

Nonprofits coordinating Covid-19 relief efforts using Slack

From crowdfunding loans for underserved communities to providing drinking water to residents of developing nations, our nonprofit customers around the world are doing some pretty amazing things. And we’re grateful to be a part of how that work gets done. 

As Covid-19 continues to reshape our daily reality, we wanted to spotlight a few customers who are directly supporting relief efforts. 

Chan Zuckerberg Biohub

The Chan Zuckerberg Biohub’s mission is to make fundamental discoveries and develop new technologies that will enable doctors to cure, prevent or manage diseases. The Biohub has transformed Slack channels—used to share messages, tools and files in a Slack workspace—into virtual emergency-response centers. 

“It’s almost like those command centers where you have all the screens on the wall and everybody’s looking at what the situation is,” says Joseph DeRisi, a co-president of the Biohub and a professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). “We don’t need one of those rooms; all we need is the Slack channel.” 

Some of the Biohub’s extensive Covid-19 relief efforts include acquiring more clinical diagnostic machines for UCSF and developing a tool enabling researchers in Cambodia to sequence and confirm the country’s first case of Covid-19 in a matter of days. 

Medic Mobile

Medic Mobile’s mission is to improve health in the hardest-to-reach places. To do that, it builds world-class, open-source software that supports health workers delivering equitable care. 

Recognizing that a crisis like this one can disproportionately affect the poor and vulnerable, teams at Medic Mobile—longtime Slack users whose own team of 84 people are distributed across 13 countries and 32 cities—are now communicating, facilitating, and coordinating all their Covid-19 response efforts on Slack. 

They’re accompanying Ministry of Health partners in countries including Nepal, Kenya and Senegal on nationally coordinated Covid-19 responses, evolving existing digital health systems to support preparedness and surveillance, and coordinating efforts with the wider digital health community. 

Thank you, from Slack

Whether your organization is on the front lines of a global Covid-19 response or serving equally important causes, we hope these examples provide some insight into how Slack can support your teams. 

If you’d like to take advantage of your free upgrade, you can get in touch with us at covid@slack.com. Instructions on what to include in your note and more details about our updated program can be found here.

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