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Getting started on Slack

Best practices tailored to remote work situations

Este webinario es más adecuado para:

  • Usuarios nuevos en Slack

For millions of knowledge workers, remote work is the new normal, which poses an evolving and unique set of challenges. Slack was built to meet the demands of modern-day work—from any location—so we’re here to help.

In this webinar, we’ll first walk through some basics to get you oriented within Slack, and then quickly introduce best practices to help you stay productive and engaged with your work remotely. We’ll highlight specific tactics within Slack that you can put into practice right away, or bring back to your team.

Tune in and bring your questions! Your hosts will be specialists trained in helping people get the most out of Slack.

Ponentes destacados:

Teara MohrCustomer Success Manager, Slack
Robin TranSenior Success Manager, Slack

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